rain and fair weather

It’s been a very changeable week of weather here. In a lovely fine spell, I was able to tidy up the garden, enjoy the beautiful red camellia that’s just coming into flower outside our front door, and become excited by the sight of a siskin on the bird feeder (not a bird I ever got to see at Carbeth). Between weathers I also saw fulmars at Keil and kittiwakes at Saddell, but the most exciting sight of the week was a group of dolphins swimming close to Carksey Bay. That morning, the wind had dropped, the tide was very low, and the glass was falling. I understand these are ideal conditions for cetacean spotting – something I shall bear in mind for future walks.

not dolphins, but labradors, and not Carskey, but Saddell.

I’ve been working hard too, this week – both on our next project, and on various things around the mill (moving in takes such a lot of time!) – but it has been lovely to get out and about, and feel the season changing.

Those who are waiting for the reprint of Colour at Work will be pleased to hear that we should have copies in stock within the next week or so, and our Colour Compass KAL concludes this weekend: for consideration, please submit your complete (or partially completed) projects to the thread in our Ravelry group, or email a wee picture to Maylin at help@katedaviesdeigns.com.

Tom’s photos accompanying this post are from another of this week’s windows of low tide and settled weather, round at Saddell, where the dogs dearly love a swim. . .

. . .and where I enjoy the whoosh and hiss of the waves shaping the pebbled shoreline, while Ailsa Craig, on the horizon, emerges in and out of banks of cloud. You could never describe a settled day as dull here: there’s somehow always this lifting, shifting feeling of light and space.

What have you noticed when you’ve been out and about this week?